Behind the scenes of the WW3 Arabic font creation

With the recent reveal of our upcoming, World War 3, we thought it would be interesting to give you a behind the scenes on how we are working on adapting this title for Arabic world, starting with an important topic: the brand fonts.
You might wonder, a dedicated font for a game is probably the least important thing in the production cycle. But in the Arabic world, publishers rarely create a font that matches their game’s brand guidelines, and that’s because most main fonts are focused on working for Cyrillic and Latin-based languages. When you look at most major companies, only a handful of them have one dedicated for the Arabic language, such as Ubisoft’s corporate font, which features some inspiration from Noto Kufi and SST known fonts.
To work on the task of crafting a font for World War 3, we scouted a handful of known agencies and designers in the Arab world, and eventually found the perfect one. Our team collaborated with Ibrahim Hamdy, an Egyptian Typography and Graphic Designer known for his fan-art on transforming iconic game logos in Arabic, featured in the press in publications like Kotaku. His passion for gaming, understanding of the key needs of a font in games and out-of-game content helped our team decide on pitching our project to him quite easily.
You can read more about the process on the T4W official site