Blizzard Lanterns

With the support of my local PR partners at ActiveDMC, I worked with Dubai-based Guiness book record holder and award-winning artist Pierre Abboud in his new project. His goal and vision was merging gaming with a flavor of orientalism, Arabic and the Middle East culture. With Pierre being a massive fan of World of Warcraft, the artist ended up getting support to build 6 lanterns themed after each of Blizzard’s 6 key franchises. 

With this hitting around Ramadan and the launch of Overwatch in-game lanterns content during the Overwatch Anniversary 2020 event, the whole story helped Blizzard recognize the Middle East and in general Islamic culture.

The Blizzard Lantern documentary has been watched by more than 130K viewers since the launch, and features English, Mexican Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese subtitles to reach out to the Muslim/Arabic community outside of the Middle East.

Fronted by a serious PR push on an international scale, the documentary has made the international news, with a combined UMV of 30 Million spread from Italy, Mexico, Brazil, Cuba, Middle East, and other international English speaking outlets.